The Goods Blog

Ecommerce Inventory Management – How to Make it Work


The tortoise and the hare—it’s our favorite bedtime story. And it just so happens to be a timeless lesson on why preparation, wisdom, and commitment can beat natural strengths.

Bet you didn’t know it’s secretly a story about the perils of poor inventory management.

All right, we might have stretched the truth a little. But at Goods, where we help our ecommerce customers dig out of inventory messes every day, we see a secondary lesson in the old children’s tale.

Are you ready for the biggest inventory management choice you’ll make? It all comes down to the type of management animal you’d like to be.

You could be a tortoise. You could plan carefully, maintain steady control over your pace, take care not to exhaust your resources in one burst, and match your effort with the demands of the global situation.

You could be a hare. You could freewheel your stock decisions, guestimate demand, control your operation reactively rather than predictively, and rely on your luck—or innate prophetic ability—to figure out the type and volume of products you need at any given time.

Now that you know the decision before you, let’s lift the veil on inventory management so you can decide which type of animal you’ll be.


Still with us, tortoises and hares and all you critters in between? We’ve bamboozled you with animal metaphors, and now we zap you with a little pick-me-up. Inventory management is less intimidating once you strip it down to the bare bones.

All it means, in the simplest terms, is that you’re actively keeping track of all the items, products, and materials that flow into and out of your business.

Your stuff. Your hoard. Your trove. Whatever you want to call it and whatever it means for you, all that raw stuff needs to be managed.

If you’re doing it right, then you’ll have enough of the right kind of stuff to cover your needs. On the flip side, you won’t have so much stuff that you’re buried under a mountain of obsolete products that waste space, bloat your warehouse, and collect dust… running up your bills all the while.

In the ecommerce world, you’ll face these challenges at superspeed. Or about as fast as your average online shopper can click Add to Cart. (In case you aren’t an online shopaholic: That’s very, very fast.)

Inventory management can feel like being on the world’s worst seesaw, where one tiny shift can bounce you from overstock to understock. So, given the constant changes and fluctuations of the market, how is a business supposed to rest at the perfectly balanced middle?

For many execs in the SMB space, diving deep into the inventory labyrinth (here’s hoping that’s not how you describe your warehouse) sounds like more trouble than it’s worth.

But if you want to be a wise tortoise instead of an embarrassed hare, you can’t ignore your inventory management situation forever. Leaving it up to fate, chance, and guesswork is a surefire way to leave you high and dry while the competition steadily marches for the next finish line.


If fables about adorable forest critters don’t work on you, never fear. We’ve rustled up some inventory management statistics to scare you stiff.

The average inventory accuracy of a retail company in the United States:

< 65%

(And that was before the pandemic. You can bet it’s more complicated now.)

Percentage of businesses who have unintentionally sold a product not available in their inventory:


Percentage of businesses relying on Excel spreadsheets to manage their supply chain:

~ 70%

Percentage of small businesses that don’t monitor their inventory at all:


We asked the Goods team to sum up their thoughts on these findings, and they gave us a tidy two-word answer:

Yikes, man.

On the other hand, we don’t blame these small businesses or busy managers for avoiding a hairy problem that frankly feels unsolvable. But if you’re one of said businesses or managers, our sympathetic hearts won’t help you. Because no matter how much we wish we could yikes away inventory woes and bad stock tracking, it’s nowhere near that easy.

Which is why we’re about to lay the secrets of inventory management out for you, piece by gnarly piece.

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