B2B and B2C Order Fulfillment

If you’re a B2B company and you’ve recently set up new online store to sell direct to End consumers (B2C), you might face challenges managing your inventory and keep your inventory balanced.
Real-time inventory is critical for successful B2B, B2C ecommerce and offline sales.

B2C order fulfillment

With B2C customers you are generally dealing with one-off purchases by the end user. B2C eCommerce has very low barriers to entry and customers are typically buying different products each time from various sources. For B2C order fulfilment, you are shipping to a customer which makes the shipping process simpler because there are fewer rules and regulations to contend with.

B2B order fulfillment

B2B eCommerce, unlike B2C, generally involves fewer, larger clients requiring highly customized processes, with business clients also tending to make bulk purchases.

Business customers often require more customised solutions with multiple attributes. Due to larger, more substantial order values and stricter approval processes. Rules and regulations for B2B order fulfilment are often quite complex and can involve negotiated penalties if fulfilment is not adequately achieved, this can include specific product description and detailed shipping labels.

Thanks to Goods you can plan and manage supply and demand requirements across all sales channels, warehouses, and the entire supply chain, in real-time. Automatically allocate orders for best fulfillment by keeping minimum and maximum inventory levels based on genuine insights. Importantly, goods consider not only the number of units, but also other factors such as available warehouse space, rules and regulations for B2B order fulfilment, etc.